MATTHEW 11: 28-30 says, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Vs. 29 says,b“Take my yoke upon you, and learn of Me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls.” Vs. 30, “For My yoke is easy, and My burden is light.” Note two things: 1. HEAVY LADEN (SATANIC YOKES). But the LORD says “TAKE MY YOKE!” That means even as SATANIC LADEN/YOKES are there, there are also DIVINE HEAVENLY YOKES! What is the lesson? There is NO NEUTRAL POSITION IN THE WARFRONT OF LIFE! Though you are Born Again, there are YOKES OF THE LORD you must still carry! There is the yoke of DAILY QUIET TIME, yoke of DAILY PRAYERS even when you don’t feel like it. There is the yoke of daily BIBLE STUDY! Yes!
There is the yoke of NOT CLAIMING YOUR RIGHT ALWAYS (even when you are right). See 1 Cor. 10:23 – “All things are lawful for me, but all things are not expedient: all things are lawful for me, but all things edify not.” Sometimes for peace sake, you don’t claim all your rights! Let God fight for you! There is the yoke of OBEDIENCE – running from sin even when it has pleasure! There is the yoke of DRESSING like a child of God! You cannot dress ANYHOW AGAIN because you are now an ambassador of the LORD. Aha!
The following yokes are real: THE YOKE OF THE TONGUE! You remain silent even when you should be screaming! There are yokes of your FINANCES, your Tithe, deleting some friends from your life, the YOKE OF “OTHERS MAY; BUT I CANNOT.” You can’t do what others are doing (abortion, bitterness, revenge, etc,) because YOU ARE DIFFERENT! YOU CANNOT SLEEP! Satanic yokes include: SICKNESS, RISE AND FALL, DELAY, REMATURE DEATHS, “NEARLY BUT NEVER, PREMATURE ABORTION, MARITAL DISGRACE, FINANCIAL SHAME, etc. Note: The Yokes of the LORD are PROMOTION LADDERS, while satanic yokes are WASTERS! Arise today and declare that in 2022, ENOUGH IS ENOUGH – SATANIC YOKES must return to sender! TWO ON-LINE MIDNIGHT PRAYER SESSIONS TONIGHT! Ist session – connect via: FACEBOOK: ourdailymannaworldwide Time: 10pm – 10.45pm (Nigeria time). Then 2nd session – connect via: YOUTUBE: Manna TV International. Time: 11am-11.45 am (Nigeria time). Be ready to pray in these brief encounters TONIGHT!
PRAYER POINTS:Take Song 2: Onward Christian soldiers…
1. In your own words, pray about today’s word as led now.
2. I reject any satanic yoke now (mention the yokes).
3. In this year 2022, I take on, the YOKES of the LORD! I receive grace to live as an ambassador for Christ. My life and ministry will NEVER bring shame to the LORD.
4. I receive grace to carry the following yokes of the LORD on myself this year (mention them).
5. Pray about today as led.
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