Our Daily Manna 12 February 2023 – YOUR LEGAL ‘HABEAS CORPUS’: YOUR 2023 SECURITY IS SUPREME

Our Daily Manna 12 February 2023 – YOUR LEGAL ‘HABEAS CORPUS’: YOUR 2023 SECURITY IS SUPREME


Reading through today’s scripture, and reading Isaiah 43:1-5 coupled with Psalm 91, is the safety and security insurance company I ever need on land, air, or sea as I journey through planet earth this year. Same goes for you! Psalm 105 Verses 14-15 says, “He suffered no man (did not allow any man, wizard, witch, principality or stubborn enemy), to do them (His children) wrong (evil) saying, ‘Touch not Mine anointed…”.Why? Because Zech. 2:8 declared that, “he that toucheth you, toucheth the apple of God’s eye.” Oh! In this year 2023, I feel like leaping and shouting on this security apparatus.


You and your family’s security are so crucial to God that He says whatever or whomever touches you night/day touches His eye! Wow! Hear me beloved: The SECURITY OF A PERSON is a basic entitlement guaranteed by the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted by the United Nations in 1948. It is also a human right explicitly defined and guaranteed by the European Convention on Human Rights, the Constitution of Canada, the Constitution of South Africa and other laws around the world. In general, the right to the security of a person is associated with liberty and includes the right, if one is imprisoned unlawfully, to a remedy such as ‘HABEAS CORPUS’ (‘Habeas Corpus’ is Latin).

It is the fundamental right in all Constitutions that protects against unlawful and indefinite imprisonment. Translated from Latin it also means, “Show me the body” – which means bring the person to court and let’s see him/her physically! Habeas corpus has historically been an important instrument to safeguard individual freedom against arbitrary executive power. Think about that! A human institution boldly declaring human safety and security as supreme law. The Supreme Court of heaven is higher and has declared before your creation that your safety is supreme! Halleluyah!


God will never toy with your security this year. Fear not! Your life is hidden with Christ in God (Colossians 3:3). He that touches you touches your God and your God is a consuming fire! Joel 2:3 says,”A fire devoureth before you and behind you a flame burneth” Fear not! Trust Him! Hold on! TONIGHT 8PM – OPERATION-SETTLE-YOUR-WEEK WITH GOD! I will mention your name and we shall all pray for you!ATHER, EMPOWER ME TO SUCCEED Connect Via FACEBOOK LIVE: “ourdailymannaworldwide” Youtube: Manna TV International

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: Higher ground…
1. Bind the spirit of fear and doubt.
2. O GOD OF CONSUMING FIRE, arise and consume whatever will breach the security of my life, family and ministry this year (Pray it very well).
3. I declare boldly: “My safety is guaranteed in God this year!
Satan and your cohorts, touch me and burn” (Pray it well).


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