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As a young believer 47 years ago, I once heard a man of God say: “Anything you cannot deal with will deal with you!” That is very right!
Moreover, we dwell in a body that is not yet glorified, with all its weaknesses and its tendencies to follow after the dictates of this world. Nevertheless, our bodies must be brought under subjection to conform to the Word or else we risk the chance of losing both this body and our souls.
Anything your body craves or lusts after which is not in conformity with the scriptures must be handled now, before it gets out of hand. You must deal with that sin – a wrong relationship, a lying habit, a garrulous tongue, unforgiveness, dubious business deals, etc, that could spell your doom.
I learnt of a pastor who did not last long in ministry because he could not handle his appetite, inordinate love for money and hatred towards other ministers! Wow! Don’t kill yourself before your time! Better days lie ahead of you. Deal with that sin/weakness/habit now before it deals with you.
PLAYING WITH SIN IS TOYING WITH JUDGMENT! (Give out at least 8 ODM copies, Then send a message to [email protected] and I shall send you prayers on: “LORD, Disgrace every Satanic SPY/MONITORING SPIRIT around my life/ministry”). BE A MANNA FOOD BANK PARTNER – SEE PAGE 29. ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: There’s not a friend…
1. Destroy now the little foxes that can spoil your vine.
2. Repent from all identified wrong doings!
3. What do you think will make sure you do not last long in this Christian race or even in ministry? (Mention them and repent seriously.Go for deliverance if need be).
4. Father, I will not be a barrier to my own progress in Jesus name.
I shall make heaven at last!
5. Pray for missionaries and ministers of the gospel.
6. Pray for all those in positions of authority today.
7. Pray about today now. Use the new 404 DANGEROUS
PRAYER points section (See from page 7)