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When Jezebel and her security forces declared Elijah wanted, he thought the end of his journey had come! He ran for his dear life and was in lonely places. But who died first? It was Jezebel! In fact, Elijah did not die but was translated into heaven by a chariot of fire! Indeed, God had the last word on Elijah! When Haman and his ten sons planned the burial ceremony of Mordecai, they forgot that for a covenant child of God, the final say is from the throne of Jehovah.
When the enemies of Daniel planned his disgrace, it was God’s counsel concerning him that stood at last. When David was considered unfit to rule amongst men and he was assigned to the bush to tend the sheep, did he not become the first at last? Oh, the Holy Ghost is saying to a user of today’s devotional: No matter the depth of your past failures or the intensity of your current threats/battles/trials, no matter what men are saying about you and no matter what is happening around your life and ministry, always remember that at last, ONLY GOD HAS THE LAST WORD ON YOUR LIFE! Resist fear and hold on! Look up and trust HIM!
ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 6.30 am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube. Turn to Page 106 of “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-18” for PRAYERS FOR THE FIRST THREE DAYS OF EACH MONTH. Pray them concerning the month of June. (Prepare for the July Mid-Year fast(9th-22nd). Last day, World Anointing Service is Saturday July 22nd at the Manna Mountain Lagos, 9am. Theme is: THE GOD OF VENGEANCE)!
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led now.
1. Pray generally about today’s word as led now.
2. God will have the last word on your life. Surrender all the events around your life, family and ministry to Him again now.
3. No friend or foe has the final word on my life. Therefore I declare boldly: “In this year 2023, my tomorrow is blessed and I shall sit on my throne in my Promised Land, no matter what happens. INSULTS shall BE WIPED OUT BY DIVINE MERCY! I shall be who God says I shall become and I shall possess what rightfully belongs to me.”
4. Cancel any plan to close the door of your God-given opportunities. Use the Gems For success pages( 72 & 73).
5. Pray about today generally as led now.