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Just like Indira Ghandi of India, Chief Obafemi Awolowo of Nigeria who died in May 1987, was described as “the best president Nigeria never had.” Indira Ghandi was also described as “the best president India never had.” Chief Awolowo was the Western Nigeria region premier from 1954-1959 and also founded a political party called, “Action Group” and introduced free education in Western Nigeria.
The interesting challenge to us today is that men in modern and ancient history that were not necessarily ‘tongue talking’ or ‘prayer warriors,’ made and left behind undeniable footprints for their generation. In this year 2023, be determined and ask God today, to help you make a mark anywhere you are or will ever be on this planet. These men were not angels; they were like you and they experienced extended family needs and problems. They often felt tired, discouraged and defeated, yet they hung on to their dreams like Romeo and Juliet.
Do you know that Chief Awolowo tried being the president of Nigeria three times and he lost three times? Call it “Ruggedness”and “Determination,” you are 100% on target! Thank God Mr Obama ruled America, but do you know that Martin Luther King Jr., the late American Civil Rights Activist, was jailed in the spring of 1963 at Birmingham, Alabama for declaring that all men are born equal and nobody should be judged by the colour of his skin but by the content of his character? Yet today, he is the only American pastor to have a day (3rd Monday of January every year), named after him. They were just like you, but they had stubborn determination (Vs. 17 of today’s Scripture).
Thomas Edison said, “Genius is 10% inspiration and 99% perspiration.” Revolt against remaining in the crowd and tell God to single you out among your equals. Aristotle said, “There was never a genius, without a tincture of madness.” Never forget that the achievers mentioned in today’s devotion, were ordinary men with extra-ordinary determination. Mediocrity is self-inflicted, but genius is self-imposed. Who will you blame if you fail? Arise and awake the genius in you. In 2023, you shall not fail! Yea, you shall achieve your purpose and you shall be described as a LAND OF RESULTS that DISGRACED INSULTS! Hold on and hold out! ODM DISTRIBUTORS NEEDED! Send your name, phone number, town or city to +44 7818 36 8223 or _+2348060651045 or e-mail: [email protected]
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Higher ground…
1. In your words, pray about today’s devotional as led now.
2. Decree that you will not fail in life and ministry.
3. Decree that your life will not remain in the crowd.
4. Lord, make me uncommon and catapult me from self-pity into self-confidence in You. Pray for a discouraged pastor today.
5. Lord, by Your grace, I shall leave a positive mark for my generation in Jesus name. Pray for Holy Ghost-inspired ideas today.