Our Daily Manna 24 December 2022 – IT’S TIME TO HEAT UP YOUR OWN FURNACE!

Our Daily Manna 24 December 2022 – IT’S TIME TO HEAT UP YOUR OWN FURNACE!


When the king gets angry, WATCH OUT!!! One thing that the Spirit of God is ministering to me as I meditate on this scripture is that HE HAS MADE YOU A KING IN HIS KINGDOM. Romans 5:17 says that you have the right to reign in life. Revelation 5:10 says that Jesus has made us ‘kings and priests unto God.’ That means that EVERY TIME GOD LOOKS AT YOU, HE SEES A ROYAL CROWN UPON YOUR HEAD. The devil knows this truth too, and he will do all he can to prevent you from applying it to your life. BUT, HIS PLOTS TO CONFUSE YOU AND KEEP YOU AWAY FROM YOUR THRONE OF GLORY SHALL SCATTER BY FIRE.


Look at that story, when the king got angry, he commanded that the furnace be heated up, SEVEN TIMES. Dear user, I want to stir up that same kind of anger in you today. Anger at the works of the devil. Anger at the evil things that the enemy has used to hold you bound for many years. Anger at the things that the devil is using to limit you, your family, and your ministry. Someone said that ‘As Long As You Tolerate A Problem, You Will Never Be Able To Deal With It. You Cannot Change What You Tolerate.

Change Begins With A Healthy Anger Directed At The Negative Thing You Want To Put An End To.’ Heat up YOUR OWN FURNACE – PRAYER FIRE as 2022 ends! That was what the king (enemy) did to THE THREE HEBREW CHILDREN in Verse 19. Let the entire kingdom of darkness know that you will no longer BOW/tolerate any kind of evil, sin, sickness, debts, failure, fear, oppression, or any evil delay, etc. ENOUGH IS ENOUGH! Pray now! ODM is the BEST CHRISTMAS GIFT! GIVE IT OUT! ONLINE – “MORNING FIRE with Bishop Chris” – Today 7am (Nigeria time) via Facebook & Youtube.


PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led.
1. In your own words, pray for yourself now as you’re led.
2. As the year ends, I shall HEAT UP MY OWN FURNACE from this day (Pray it seriously).
3. Every demonic problem/DELAY that has taken up a permanent seat in my life; CATCH FIRE NOW!
4. Holy Spirit of God, build a fiery hot hedge of fire round about me, about my household, about my properties and about my ministry; secure me and my family from every evil end-of-year attack and device, in Jesus name.
5. Pray about today and loose LAUGHTER!


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