Our Daily Manna 23 November 2022 – TURNING FAILURE TO FUNFARE!
November 23, 2022
3 min read
Our Daily Manna 23 November 2022 – TURNING FAILURE TO FUNFARE!
All men fall, great men get back up! Did Thomas Edison not fail thousands of times before developing the first electric light bulb? Did Colonel Sanders of the popular Kentucky Fried Chicken(KFC) not get a thousand and nine rejections in the course of building his KFC business? Again and again, Moses told Pharaoh, “Thus says the Lord, ‘LET MY PEOPLE GO…” and again and again, those words fell on deaf ears.
The same fighting spirit in Thomas Edison, Colonel Sanders, and Moses was in Micah when he declared, “Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise.” Maybe your enemies are throwing a party over your defeat today; I want you to know something, FAILURE IS NEVER FINAL. I, Bishop Chris, have failed many times in the past; but today, see what God has done with my life!
Yes! I am who and what I am BY HIS GRACE! Refuse to be a laughing stock for the pit of hell. Refuse to give up! Let them know that: If They Can Push You Down Today, They Cannot Keep You Down. If They Knock You Down Seven Times, You Will Get Back Up Eight Times. You must let them know that you belong to a family of winners, andWINNERS DON’T QUIT.
Winners don’t give up! Winners refuse to keep their backs on the ground. Winners keep on getting up and getting back into the fight, and they keep on fighting until they win. That fighting spirit that God created in you must come alive today. Refuse to be a quitter. No matter how 2022 has been, refuse to be depressed, discouraged or defeated. Encourage yourself in the Lord, and stay in the fight until you are celebrated because God will turn every FAILURE to FUNFARE! Open your mouth now and declare 7 times: “Satan you are a liar, I refuse to give up. My eyes are on the Lord, and I shall not quit trusting Him.” Hold on and Hold out!(Give out ODM COPIES).
PRAYER POINTS: Take any song of victory as led. 1. Pray about today’s word generally as led now. 2. Lord, turn every failure of this year or past years to great FUNFARE in my life and ministry! 3. Arrow of failure designed to keep me on the ground, BE DESTROYED NOW, in Jesus name. I am rising again! 4. I refuse to be a failure, I refuse to be a quitter, I was born to win; I shall win, and I shall be celebrated in Jesus name. 5. Pray generally for yourself now in tongues as you are led, and about any issue(s) that has stubbornly persisted. 6. Father, I open my heart to receive a new strategy for victory. Teach me what to do, and lead me to the place of victory. 7. Pray about today and any other issue(s) affecting your peace. 8. Ask for grace to give out more ODM copies! Do so this week!