“Last year 2021, was indeed my Open Reward Testimony Year. I participated in the 2021 January fasting programme. I’m happy to testify that:
(1) My daughter who had been married for more than 7 years was blessed with a miraculous baby. The surprising thing was that I noticed that the PROPHETIC OPEN REWARD NO-PANIC SEED PRAYERS/PSALMS you sent to me was appropriate and divinely sent for the situation. God used the prayers/words to help us hod on to Him because the situation that surrounded the birth of the baby was stormy, fearful and full of panic. However, the faithful God helped us to overcome at last!
Another daughter was blessed with a baby in a foreign land. God took care of the delivery despite my fears and made everything well. May God bless you and continue to use you for this generation. Thank you sir. Please hide my identity -(From Sister E. D.)”. Oh! Against all ODDS, God came through for her/family! Isaiah 7: 9 says – “And the head of Ephraim is Samana. and the head of Samaria is Remalíah’s son. If ye will not believe, surely ye shall not be established.” That also means if you do not believe, YOU WILL BE UNSTABLE! Also decree that God will SURPRISE YOU AND OPEN YOUR DOOR AND THE DOORS OF EVERYONE CONNECTED TO YOU! Against all ODDS, your God will ESTABLISH YOU and grant you new laughter as you sow your seed and pray the Psalms sent to you in this upcoming fasting programme in Jesus name! Use the e-mail: [email protected] Pray seriously now.
Tomorrow is the beginning of the ODM WORLDWIDE 14 DAY FASTING PROGRAMME (July 10th-23rd, 2022). THEME: “OH FINGER OF GOD; ARISE FOR ME.” TURN TO PAGE 108 of “War Against Haman – 17” booklet today and pray: Prayers before any fasting programme.
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 2: Higher ground… In your own words, pray about today’s word as led. Pray for the testifier! Also decree that God will SURPRISE YOU AND OPEN YOUR DOOR AND THE DOORS OF EVERYONE CONNECTED TO YOU! I declare that I BELIEVE IN THE LORD! DELAY is not DENIAL! I decree that I believe in the LORD my God and I obey His prophet; I WILL BE ESTABLISHED. Yes! The LORD is establishing me! Pray for everyone who will sow in this fasting programme! Loose a new song for them! 2 Chron. 20:20b – Lord, establish me and answer the PRAYER POINTS I WILL BE SENT AS I SOW in this 14-day fasting programme. What are your expectations? Mention them now and give Him praise! Pray about today and any other issue(s) as led. tele
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