Our Daily Manna ODM 4 July 2022 – THE CASTRO AND “OTHERS” QUESTION!



Generations gathered for parties in the streets as some saw ‘the beginning of a new Cuba,’ when Fidel Castro died! At midnight on the day he died, they began to pour out on the streets of Little Havana, generations of Cuban-Americans bashing metal pots, blasting car horns and waving Cuban and American flags throughout the night as they celebrated the death of the man they knew as el monstruo the monster.

By daybreak, the mood of jubilation remained all along Calle Ocho and elsewhere in Miami, home to almost a million Cubans. “This day, for me, is the most beautiful day of my life, the most happy day,” said Felix Puentes, a Little Havana resident who spent six years as a political prisoner in Cuba before finally escaping to the United States more than a decade ago. Our Daily Manna ODM 4 July 2022

Similarly, Osama Bin Laden’s death was welcomed throughout most of the world as a befitting end to a figure who had inspired mass bloodshed, and a positive and significant turning point in the fight against al- Qaeda and related groups. These celebrations were ugly but perhaps human! Every June 8th marks the anniversary of the death of the late Nigerian tyrant, General Sani Abacha. He passed away secretly and unsung. Reaction to his ignoble death by Nigerians, whom he had traumatized, was against the expression that you don’t speak evil of the dead.

And so the Holy Ghost is dropping a reminder question: “What will be your legacy to the world? What will you be remembered for: the problems you created, or the ones you helped to solve?” On that second anniversary of Abacha’s death, I heard someone say; “Only God knows the kind of punishment he is receiving in hell.

Walahi, the man punish me well well for nothing” (Pidgin English). Compare that to Sister Dorcas Tabitha in today’s scripture. Even in death, her testimony was full of good works and deeds. There are people remembered in churches, marriages, businesses, nations, and relationships, etc, for the problems they solved. Others for the problems they created. What will you be remembered for? Our Daily Manna ODM 4 July 2022

Sow your “FINGER OF GOD; ARISE FOR ME SEED” into any account on PAGE 44 of “WAR AGAINST HAMAN-17” booklet or page 29 of ODM. Prepare for the annual ODM worldwide 14- day fasting programme, beginning from Sunday July 10th to Saturday 23rd 2022.THEME: “OH FINGER OF GOD: ARISE FOR ME!” TURN TO PAGE 108 of “War Against Haman-17” booklet and pray: Prayers before any fasting programme. Our Daily Manna ODM 4 July 2022

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: When the roll is called…
Pray about today’s word as it has touched you.
Repent from any negative character in your life.
Ask for the grace to DO GOOD and be a “DORCAS” regularly! Pray about today and pray the WAH – 17 prayers!


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