Many years ago, every citizen of Kentucky was required by law to take a bath at least once a year. Likewise in Indiana, it was illegal to ride public transportation for at least thirty minutes after eating garlic.

Also, do you know that in Omaha, Nebraska, it was against the law to burp or sneeze in a church? Strangely during the Cambrian period which was about five hundred million years ago, a day was only 20.6 hours long.

In ancient Egypt, the apricot was called the egg of the sun, killing a cat was a crime punishable by death, and Egyptians paid their taxes in honey. In the Puritan times, to be born on a Sunday was interpreted as a sign of great sin.
Amazing laws indeed, but I am sure you know that MOST if not ALL has changed. The world is changing everyday! By the time we wake up tomorrow morning, we are likely to experience some more changes in the world.

But, what my “3 FRIENDS,” and indeed “OUR 3 FRIENDS,” want to REMIND YOU is that the faithfulness, the mercy, the power and the grace of God will never change. Oh! Don’t forget that even in the midst of the fiery furnace! He has declared, “For I am the Lord I changeth not.
Therefore ye are not consumed” (Malachi 3:6). Yes, in that battlefield, keep hearing: “I CHANGE NOT!” When men disappoint you and betray your trust, never forget: “I CHANGE NOT!” When your faith is hanging on just a tiny thread of HOPELESSNESS, hear His loud whisper: “I CHANGE NOT!”

Yes, in the season of STRANGE DELAY TO YOUR PRAYER ANSWERS, let the gentle historical dove perch on your heart to sing: “…the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent…” Yea, that is why I call Him, “JEHOVAH UNCHANGEABLE AND UNCHALLENGEABLE.” He remains on the throne!

He is constant, faithful and trustworthy. You can anchor your faith on the fact that the strength of Israel will not lie nor repent, for He is not a man that He should repent (1 Samuel 15:29).The weather worldwide is changing fast!

Economies of nations have so changed that it is hard to predict what might happen tomorrow especially in the oil sector/STOCK MARKET. No matter the matter, refuse to quit!

The strength of Israel will not lie nor repent! Look to Him! Hold on and hold out to Him! You will NEVER end in shame! TONIGHT 8PM – OPERATION-SETTLE-YOUR-WEEK WITH GOD! Via FACEBOOK LIVE: “ourdailymannaworldwide” PROPHETIC RAIN ONLINE
PRAYER SERVICE: Be ready to pray! Sometimes I am led to call NAMES and release a Prophetic WORD /direction/ Warning for those who log in. Time: 8pm (Nigeria Time).

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My hope is built…
Pray about today’s word as led now.
I make a decree: Oh strength of Israel; USE MY LIFE, FAMILY AND MINISTRY to show the world THAT YOU CANNOT LIE! Declare the 1st scripture and pray it.
Pray about today and scatter every plan to DEPRESS YOU!


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