What can make a man to serve his enemies in a strange land? What can kindle the fire of the anger of God? What made great men like John F. Kennedy, Julius Caesar, Captain Sankara of Burkina Faso, Chief M.K.O. Abiola, General Murtala Mohammed of Nigeria, etc, to die before their time?
Trust in a man! Never forget that Lt. Col. B. Dimka, the murderer of one of Africas’s greatest sons, Murtala Mohammed, was one of the closest friends to the head of State! As you use this devotional today in this 2nd quarter of 2022, heaven is sounding an alarm to your life: “Cursed be the man that trusteth in man and maketh flesh his arm.”
Vs. 9 of our Basic Scripture declares further: “The heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked; who can know it?” The heart of a man is a tyrant and a monster. In your life and ministry, you will meet and work with lots of people. Don’t trust any! It is deadly!
Love people! Don’t trust people. Of course, love believes all things, but love does not trust anything except God. Your absolute trust must be on God alone. Give people, “half trust”or what I have called for many years, “social trust.”
Heaven is repeating this warning so much again, for the sake of someone! Catch it! Avoid dying before your time! Some will please you, while many (including very close associates) will hurt you.
Decide to forgive people in advance because, the heart of man is deceitful and whether you like it or not, they will hurt you. The closer you walk with God, the less room for anything to come between. Never trust a man!
PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 1: My hope is built… Repent and pray: “1 shall not trust in men again.” Commit your spouse, your best friends, etc, to God. Pray that they will not be used against you. 1 release forgiveness to… (Mention those that have hurt you in the past). By the Blood of Jesus, I break every curse in my life and ministry as a result of trusting men. Lord, heal/refresh me again. Use the prayer points section as led today!
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