God does not and can never create a nobody! Everybody God creates is created to be somebody. Mary Crowley is the president of a prosperous, furnitureinterior decoration business. She told the story of how she and her husband went to the Bahamas to preach some years ago and all she could remember were the following words:
“Be somebody! God never takes time to build a nobody. Everybody God creates is created to be somebody.” Those words are heaven’s alarm to a life using this devotional today! Refuse to look down on yourself with self-pity any longer! After God created you, did He not say, you were very good? (Genesis 1:31).
Won’t you believe God’s report concerning you? Refuse to create any other report based on your trials, pain or circumstances. They are temporary! God cannot lie and did His Word not say that you are the apple of His eyes? (Zech 2:8). Do you know how important, protected and precious the apple of the eye is? That’s who you are!
You are somebody very important to Jehovah God on this planet. Your local church is not complete without you. The village where you were born is not complete without you. Your place in God’s agenda is wonderful. There is a great talent in you and you are loaded with ideas of success. Believe in yourself!
A Philipino proverb says, “Lift up your eyes and you will see the stars.” You have potential! You too have creative ability; now, its up to you to take it and go with it! You are like the eagle with its mighty wings!
Fan to flames the gift of God which is in you! What lies behind you and what lies before you are tiny compared to what lies within you! Believe in yourself! Never Give Up!
PRAYER POINTS: Take your best worship song to God. Thousands died last night! Thank God for LIFE! I am not A NOBODY! Satan, you are a liar forever! I am the APPLE of God’s eyes and I AM CREATED as a “little JESUS” on planet earth. LORD, use me! I resist SELF-PITY AND SELF COMPARISM with others! I walk in boldness and self-confidence by faith on CALVARY’S CROSS. My best days are ahead. Pray about today ! Pray for me ! This week, talk to someone about Our Daily Manna and the write-ups of the past one week!
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