There was a visually impaired young lady who despised herself only for the way that she was visually impaired. The main individual she didn’t abhor was her caring beau, as he was generally there for her regardless of her being visually impaired. She said that if she would just see the world, she would wed him.
That guarantee gingered the kid to give his two eyes for her! Then, at that point, after the gift, she could see everything, including her beau. Her beau asked her, “Now that you can see the world, will you wed me?” The young lady was stunned when she saw that her sweetheart was visually impaired as well, and she wouldn’t wed him. Her sweetheart left in tears, and later composed a MOVING UNFORGETTABLE letter to her saying:”Just deal with my eyes dear.”
Did you get that? In this year 2022, the Holy Ghost needs you to TRUST NOBODY AS GOD! No one but God can’t bomb you! People will give you sweet guarantees yet bomb you finally! MAN IS MAN AND GOD IS GOD! Micah 7:2 cautions: “The great man is died out of the earth: and there is none upstanding among men: they all lie on pause for blood; they chase each man his sibling with a net.” Vs. 5 says: “Trust ye not in a companion, put ye not trust in an aide: keep the entryways of thy mouth from her that lieth in thy chest.” Then Jeremiah 9: 4 says everything: “Take ye notice all of his neighbor, and trust ye in no sibling: for each sibling will completely displace, and each neighbor will stroll with smears.” This woman didn’t realize that the new eyes she had, were given by the kid she deserted! WHAT A WICKED WORLD!
In 2022, look alone to the slopes (JEHOVAH GOD) from whence cometh your assistance (Psalm 121)! Any remaining ground is a sinking ground of disgrace! Supplication
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