Our Daily Bread for 27 February 2022 – Joy!

Our Daily Bread for 27 February 2022 – Joy!

Lord, I rejoice in all you have done for me and rejoice in your deeds. [ Psalm 92:5 ]

I am rapidly approaching a new stage in my life – I am getting old. But it’s not quite there yet. Even though the years are racing by and I sometimes wish I could slow them down, I’m filled with real joy. Every day is a new gift from my Lord. With the psalmist I can say, “It is good to give thanks to the Lord…to tell of your grace in the morning, and of your faithfulness at night” (verses 2-3).

Although my life is not without struggles and the problems of others sometimes want to overwhelm me, God helps me to join in with the psalmist and rejoice “for joy in your works” (v. 5).


Joy in what I have been given – family, friends and a satisfying job. Joy in God’s glorious creation and His Word. Joy that Jesus loves us so much that He died for our sins. And joy because he gives us the Spirit, the source of true joy (Romans 15:13). Therefore, the believer can “thrive like palm trees…and even in old age…bear fruit” (verses 13-15).

What is this fruit? No matter how old we are or what our lives are like, we can be examples of God’s love through our actions and words. It is fortunate to know him and to tell others about him.

Where are you waiting for good news? When did God’s good news dispel your fears and sorrows and give you joy?
Dear Lord, thank you for the joy we have through your Spirit

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