Our Daily Bread for 23 February 2022 – Challenge the stars

Our Daily Bread for 23 February 2022 – Challenge the stars

At the beginning of the 20th century, the Italian writer FT Marinetti founded Futurism, an artistic movement that rejected the past, broke with traditional notions of beauty and instead glorified the world of machines. In 1909 Marinetti wrote The Futurist Manifesto , in which he extolled the “punch of the fist” and emphasized: “We want to glorify war.”

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World War I began five years after Marinetti’s Manifesto. He wasn’t gorgeous. Marinetti himself died in 1944. The stars are still there.


King David sings of the stars, but his approach was completely different. He writes: “When I look at the sky and see the work of your hands – the moon and the stars that you have put in their place – how small and insignificant is man and yet you think of him and care for him!” (vv. 4-5). David can only humbly marvel. He knows that the God who created the vast cosmos actually cares for us. He knows each of us – the good, the bad, the humble and the bold – and even the absurd.

It’s useless to challenge the stars. Instead, they challenge us to praise the Creator.

What philosophies or movements do you know that leave no room for God today? What reminds you of your Creator and how does that lead you to praise? Heavenly Father, when I think of your love, I am in awe and humility. Who am I? Thank you for still loving me!

Source: https://unsertaeglichbrot.org/

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