Our Daily Manna for Today 15 February 2022 Tuesday

Our Daily Manna for Today 15 February 2022 Tuesday


Our Daily Manna for Today 15 February 2022 Message


Years ago, Professor Ola Rotimi in the play, “The Gods Are Not to Blame,” stated that the struggle of a man begins at birth with the chilly baby cries at the maternity ward. At that maternity birthplace which could be in a manger of peasant

poor farmers or in a first class world hospital, some people are born with greatness, others have it thrust on them, while some others have to work diligently towards it later in life. Yes, only a few have greatness thrust on them. For example: In 1930, the American newspaper, the Pittsburgh Post Gazette, featured the story of a young woman Corin Ward from Vienna, Austria who had received a surprise phone call from an attorney. Corin Ward was a struggling actress whose fortunes suddenly changed when she was be
queathed every last penny that had belonged to a “Dr. Meszaros” – the attorney! What the Holy Ghost wants you to know from this is that you can be great, greater, more blessed and more favoured despite your background. If mortal men can leave an inheritance for their children or unrelated admirers, how much more your ‘Daddy’ God? The Cattle upon a thousand hills are His and that is why I call Him, “Jehovah ‘OVER DO.”

CONTINUE HERE>> BASIC SCRIPTURE ODM Devotional 15 February 2022

He has given you all that pertains to your needs on this earth till you die in old age. What you and your family would need in 20 years to come, etc, has already been provided for! He is Jehovah El-Shaddai and He is the God that causes the children of the poor to sit in court with princes and princesses (Psalm 113:7-8). My BEST FRIEND, Lover and Master, Jesus Christ, was born in a manger of shame but today He is the MANAGER OF FAME! Your greater increase and promotion will be a shocker to the gates of hell because it will defy known logic! 2022 is a DIVINE SURPRISE year! Get ready as we close with this: It is not where you are from, but where you are going that counts!

Prayer Fire; Prayers That Make Things Happen

PRAYER POINTS: Take Song 3: Blessed assurance…
1. Thank God for where you are in life today.
2. Lord, I loose my inheritance of greatness to manifest and come forth in Jesus name. I loose the supply of the following needs in my life (mention any specific need now). Loose supply for your local church also.
3. I refuse to compare myself to others; I will work hard and wait on God. I will shine by the grace of God.
4. Any power swallowing up my blessing; vomit them now (Pray it 21 times today)!
5. Pray for travellers and your children today!

Continue HERE>> BASIC SCRIPTURE ODM Devotional 15 February 2022

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